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”Detta är hennes första historiska kriminalroman, och det är tydligt a...”Läs mer
”Boken innehåller såväl bra dialoger och personteckningar som en spänna...”Läs mer
”Det är ett mörkt drama om besatthet och utsatthet långt ifrån turistbr...”Läs mer
”Romanen, som är första delen i en planerad serie om Ebba Grönwall är ...”Läs mer
”Går det att skriva en bra deckare, både spännande och underhållande, u...”Läs mer
”Det lugna och vackra fjällandskapet utgör en effektfull kontrast till ...”Läs mer
”Birgitta Bergin lyckas oerhört väl ställa frågan om svåra personliga v...”Läs mer
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”Hannes Dükler har en enastående förmåga att skildra detaljer för att s...”Läs mer
”Bjerre och Casserfelt kan sin sak, det bevisas väldigt tidigt. Tempot ...”Läs mer
”Parallellerna med dagens verklighet är slående.”Läs mer
”Denna bok bjuder på överraskningar som sakta kryper fram. En långsam, ...”Läs mer
”En underbar feelgoodbok som fångar mig från första sidan.”Läs mer
”Ett starkt avslut på en imponerande trilogi som känns som en början på...”Läs mer
”Malin Thunberg Schunke skriver initierat och med ett högt tempo. Skild...”Läs mer
””Sten i siden” är en vemodig, pedagogisk, varm och humanistisk bladvän...”Läs mer
”Det är så vackert, självklart och oerhört svårt.”Läs mer
”Det är ett värdigt avslut på trilogin. Att handlingen är baserad på fö...”Läs mer
”... läsvärt av Emma Ångström. Obehaget stegras i takt med att relation...”Läs mer
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”... vacker och balanserad roman där Rees på ett föredömligt sätt låter...”Läs mer
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”Hon har en tydlig idé om vad hon vill göra, vem hon...”Läs mer
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”Kanske ett starkt ord men jag fullkomligt älskade denna bok. Betyg 5/5...”Läs mer
”Det är välskrivet, roligt, rappt och rysansvärt elakt.”Läs mer
”Kristina Appelqvist har hittat hem. Med en blandning av spänning, mynd...”Läs mer
”Det tar fart med bedårande charm, lätt absurda idéer och underbar väns...”Läs mer
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”... extremt spännande och välskriven. ... Totalt sett visar ändå boken...”Läs mer
” ....debutdeckare med en intressant story om hemligheter och trauman. ...”Läs mer
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”Guillou när han är som bäst.”Läs mer
”Appelqvist bevisar att man kan skapa spänning utan blodigt våld. En or...”Läs mer
”... en övertygande comeback. Miljöskildringen imponerar, liksom gestal...”Läs mer
”Emma Hamberg kan konsten att peppa sina läsare; hennes berättelse är...”Läs mer

How To Play Strategy Games Online

We know designers involve Facebook to develop positive and also helpful areas around the video games they enjoy, so today we’re introducing brand-new devices to assist pc gaming creators foster inclusive atmospheres.

While our Community Standards shield against the most outright injuries like hate speech and also terrorism, sometimes all it takes is someone being impolite, imply or merely turbulent to wreck a conversation for every person. And also what may be considered competitive banter in one streaming area, may be considered harmful in an additional. Video gaming creators are tone setters, to ensure that’s why we’re launching a toolkit to help them established guidelines for positive discussions in their community.

We collaborated with the Fair Play Alliance, a union of game business motivating healthy and balanced neighborhoods in on-line gaming, as well as partnered straight with their Executive Steering Committee, to establish policies makers as well as moderators can make use of to assist as well as establish standards stay clear of disruptive comments. People create communities over a common love of gaming, but we understand some groups of individuals, like ladies, can be targets of negative, upsetting stereotypes– so, guidelines like ”Be Accepting” and also ”Respect Boundaries” can help preserve a positive environment for everyone, regardless of race, ethnic culture, sexual orientation, gender identity or capability. In a similar way, ”Don’t Criticize” can assist newer gamers really feel welcome. The rules will certainly promote addition and respect to help people feel safe sharing their voice Archero Free Gems.

While makers frequently note conversation rules in their Page description or at the base of a stream, the new toolkit makes policies much more noticeable and also provides developers a baseline of eight pre-programmed guidelines to begin with. We’ll increase and also update the guidelines based on feedback from creators as well as the method video gaming neighborhood conversations advance.

The toolkit will use 4 brand-new attributes:

Clear Standards: Creators can select from a checklist of gaming-specific guidelines for their community prior to they go online. They can also include a personalized description about their stream to assist set expectations about sort of conversation they want to foster. When a creator chooses policies from the Chat Rules section of the banner control panel, followers will be asked to accept the policies before they’re enabled to leave a remark.

Web content Removals: We’ve made remark removals take place in real time, so when a comment is gotten rid of or somebody is banned, their comments will certainly disappear from the stream right away.

Transparency in Moderation: Moderators will likewise now have the ability to pick which guidelines were gone against so the fan can receive feedback regarding why their material was eliminated. This level of openness will aid designers enlighten their audience as well as notify well-intentioned followers who might have unintentionally damaged a policy.

Small amounts Dashboard: In addition to these rules, moderators will certainly now have access to a new small amounts control panel with sources to prevent harassment, protect their privacy and help guarantee developers really feel risk-free Lily’s Garden Free Coins.

With the brand-new toolkit, moderators and also creators will still be able to remove remarks, mute customers for a brief time period or ban people from their Page or stream. When somebody is prohibited they will still have the ability to watch the stream but will not have the ability to react or comment to the stream or other individuals, as well as their previous remarks will be eliminated.

We worked with the Fair Play Alliance, a union of game business encouraging healthy neighborhoods in on the internet pc gaming, as well as partnered straight with their Executive Steering Committee, to develop regulations developers and moderators can use to set standards as well as help stay clear of turbulent remarks. While designers often note conversation policies in their Page summary or at the bottom of a stream, the brand-new toolkit makes rules much more noticeable and gives makers a baseline of 8 predetermined rules to begin with. We’ll broaden and also update the policies based on feedback from designers and also the means gaming community discussions advance. When a maker chooses guidelines from the Chat Rules section of the banner control panel, fans will certainly be asked to accept the regulations prior to they’re permitted to leave a remark.